GlasGogh Starry Night
"Starry Night" (1889), a masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh, serves as the cornerstone of my GlasGogh collection. Widely regarded as one of Van Gogh's most influential works, he created it during his time at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France.
My journey began with an attempt to capture the essence of Glasgow's West End, which led to numerous renditions of the sky. A visit to the Van Gogh exhibition in Glasgow ignited my inspiration, prompting me to adopt his iconic style for this piece. The swirling, dream-like patterns of the night sky, mirrored in my depiction, seamlessly blend with the landscape of Glasgow University and the surrounding area, creating a bridge between the past and present.
This painting not only celebrates Van Gogh's genius but also weaves in the vibrant spirit of my beloved city.